Allow us to introduce ourselves.
Allow us to introduce ourselves.
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
First and foremost, we believe that instruction begins in the home with mom and dad.
GBYouth exists to supplement parental discipleship by providing a church environment for students to further connect, study, disciple and serve. It is our goal to help students become Bible literate, doctrinally sound and service-ready for the Kingdom.
Whether hanging out in the Student Cafe, worshipping in David's Place or playing Ultimate on the East Lawn, you'll find this is common ground. This is a place where everyone is welcome and you can be you. You'll grow life-long frienships with some of the coolest people around and experience the most fun you can imagine. Guaranteed.
Most importantly, you'll grow in an eternal relationship with God through Jesus the Christ. Here you will discover the Bible; its content, context and modern applications. You'll learn to discern the truth in your culture and media. You'll be equipped to grow others in discipleship and participate in a variety of mission projects.
The essence of discipleship.
The essence of discipleship.
““While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” ”
Head, Heart, & Hands describes the essence and mission of discipleship. A disciple follows Jesus (head), is being transformed by Jesus (heart), and is on mission with Jesus (hands). These three words serve as our vision, mission and motto.
How far do you want to take the gospel?
How far do you want to take the gospel?
GBYouth 2016 Mission to Honduras. Video by Sydney Locke.
Since 2011, GBYouth has been pleased to serve with Chuck & Joyce Harper and Jeremiah Mission. Nestled in the hills east of Lake Yojoa in central Honduras, Jeremiah Mission is home to approximately 40 children who have suffered from overwhelming poverty, neglect and abuse. The mission serves not only to care for them, but to minister to their families and the surrounding community.
GBYouth high schoolers take an annual summer mission to serve this wonderful organization. We provide physical and theological resources, teaching, worship, crafts, recreation (and a whole lotta love) to the mission and people of Santa Elena.
GBYouth mission to Montana, Summer 2017. Video by Sydney Locke.
In summer of 2017, GBYouth launched a new mission endeavor to Ft. Peck Indian Reservation in northeastern Montana. Partnering with the Mallary Association and organizations across the country, GBYouth served both Wolf Point and Poplar communities.
Poverty, addiction and abuse are not foreign to the people of this area. While census data suggests a large evangelical affiliation, the Indian people are largely under-reached with the gospel.
GBYouth assisted in hosting a soccer camp for Poplar's inner-city children and youth. As part of the camp, students provided VBS crafts, meals and Bible stories. Additionally, students led worship and gave support to a local congregation in Wolf Point.
GBYouth sorting inventory at the Albany Salvation Army warehouse.
According to the most current census, Albany, Georgia is the 4th poorest city in the United States. The demographics reporting unemployment, homelessness and food scarcity are disturbing. The religious statistics are alarming, with almost half of our community reporting no religious affiliation.
Since its inception, GBYouth has joyfully served its neighbors in Albany, Leesburg, Leary and other surrounding areas. Through a variety of service projects and ministry initiatives, GBYouth works hand-in-hand with local schools, sister-churches and non-profits to answer the physical, educational and spiritual needs of our community.
GBYouth is a dynamic ministry that requires many people and moving parts to make it work. There is no better place to start serving than inside our church. There is more than plenty for everyone to do. We have a place for your unique personality, passions and skills to be used!
We are excited to launch our new Everyone Serving Everywhere initiative that gets you plugged-in and moving in our ministry. You can read more about it below.
Download, complete and turn-in the service survey to our GBYouth leadership:
Meet the GBYouth Leadership Team.
Meet the GBYouth Leadership Team.
Jon Bergab
Tech and Sound
Greg Dampier
Bobby Donley
Deacon to GBYouth
Ray Griffin
Middle School Men
Lori Griffin
Middle School Ladies
Bryan Haynes
High School Men
Amy Haynes
High School Ladies
Alex Mobley
Hospitality & Logistics
Austin Mobley
Melissa Oliver
Hospitality & Logistics
Shena Pippin
Hospitality & Logistics
Trey Pippin
Middle School Men
The GBYouth Student Pastor.
The GBYouth Student Pastor.
Husband to:
Amy Walden Haynes, (my college sweetheart, soulmate, best-friend and partner in crime).
Father to:
Sadie Bryn Haynes, (twenty-one year old creative genius, co-parent to younger brother Caleb). Sadie is a junior at Grand Canyon University, Pheonix, AZ.
Caleb Walker Haynes (sixteen year old comedian, drummer and antagonizer to older sister Sadie). Caleb is a junior at Byne Christian School.
Currently studying | MDiv (Master of Divinity) with a concentration on Apologetics.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY.
1997 | BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) Painting & Drawing.
The Lamar Dodd School of Art, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
2011 | Certificate of Ordination and Licensure
Gillionville Baptist Church
Augustine of Hippo
Wayne Grudem, General Editor ESV Study Bible
Timothy Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
John Macarthur, Grace Community Church
Albert Mohler, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
John Piper, Bethlehem Baptist Church
Charles H. Spurgeon
Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis
Craig Lane, Reasonable Faith Ministries
Del Tacket, Focus on the Family
Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church
R.C. Sproul
David Platt, International Mission Board
Voddie Baucham, Grace Family Baptist
How do I even attempt to paint the most beautiful thing I have ever seen? How do I pen about the most fascinating person I have ever experienced? How do I speak my absolute infatuation for the One who not only changed my life, but gives me life eternally?
At nine years of age, I professed Him publicly as Savior of my soul. It was not until my early twenties however, that I professed Jesus as Lord of my heart and was baptized. It was at this juncture that I began to truly walk with the Son of God. He captivated me and became prominent in my life. I began to serve Jesus the Christ through my family, creativity, and teaching.
I am so glad to be part of the Gillionville Baptist family. I am compelled and completely committed to shepherding this student body. I am so eager to equip and encourage each of our young people to live out the Great Commission. Each of us are created to carry out this very purpose in our lives.