The BIG Picture: Session 5
Numbers 11:4-23
Take a moment to think about your own big picture.
Where you headed? What are you expecting for your life?
For some of you the focal range, only reaches to ninth grade. For others, you are already picturing yourself on a particular college campus or envisioning a particular career. So what does that picture look like? Success? Calm? Ease? Why certainly, if your picture is like mine! When we dream about the road ahead, we typically think of straight paths, gentle highways and byways with agreeable traffic. We imagine the moment when we can relax and press the cruise-control on our life.
There’s only one problem.
That isn’t how life works.
Well, at least not here. Not in this (fallen) world. Our route, as grand as it may be, is inevitably pitted with obstructions, accidents, detours and delays. And we can certainly feel as Christians that the general flow of traffic is against us. Often times, we find ourselves idling in the traffic-jam, disappointed, disillusioned and discouraged.
We can trust that God is honest with His Word. He doesn’t sugarcoat the tribulations of this world. He doesn’t sanitize the trials of our lives. But not only is He honest, He is faithful. He promises to be with us in all of the moments of our journey. He will never leave or forsake us. He is also sovereign to work in all of the unforeseen, unexpected turns that life will bring. He is with us, for us and working within us for our good and for His glory!
Our God
Holy Spirit (You Are Welcome Here)
All the Poor and Powerless
Bring a friend and a few bucks for supper following at Taco Bell on Dawson Road.
I love your heart!