• Gillionville Baptist Church (map)
  • 4614 Gillionville Road
  • 31721
  • United States

Questions submitted for this month:

  1. Happy Birthday Toah Nurner!!!

  2. Is it ok to listen to the Bible (audible or an app) instead of reading it?

  3. i have a friend who always hurts me, but i can’t seem to stop being friends with them. how can you stop an addiction like this?

  4. I love God, but I only occasionally feel really emotionally connected…sometimes I wonder if I am really even saved. Is there a way to actually know that I am?

  5. Many people never talk about Revelations due to how confusing it is. Is it right to put more emphasis on certain books in the Bible and barely talk about others?

  6. Why did you feel the need to date (and almost marry) 6 amys (amies? idk the plural)

How important is a question?

See what we did there? Questions are prompts for thinking. They are the manifestations of our Creator-given curiosity. They are essential in understanding God, ourselves and the world around us.

We take questions seriously, because we take our students seriously. Questions matter, because they matter. It is imperative (for their intellectual and spiritual development) to carve out intentional space to answer their questions: Questions about doctrine and belief, family and peer relationships, ethics and morality, media and culture… questions about anything. Our aim is to teach our students to ask good questions and to go to God for the answers. To paraphrase Del Tackett, for every department of our lives, for every direction we may go, God has spoken.

How does it work?

We use a third-party app called Pigeonhole to receive questions from students. We open up the forum in advance of the Ask Anything session, so students have time to think and compose their inquiries. They can submit questions anonymously if they choose. They even have the ability to “vote” on questions submitted by other students that they are most eager to hear answered. At the Ask Anything session, Pastor Bryan answers the students’ questions (with dialogue along the way) from a Christian worldview.

Our Ask Anything sessions are typically the first Wednesday of the month during the Common Ground worship hour.


SUPPER FOLLOWS OFF CAMPUS AT HOG N BONES on HWY 82. Students are responsible for their own transportation and meal.